Find out why you should set your wine list in a Sicilian style.
Here are the main strengths of Vini Pintaudi:
Our labels are accurately created to beautify your events and the tables of your restaurant, or the shelves of your shop, giving a Sicilian touch. Of course, this will attract the attention of your customers, and perhaps incite them to create social contents, increasing the visibility of your store/restaurant.
Vini Pintaudi is a young company, always favourable to new collaborations. We believe that is important to share ideas and values with people who look at the future, inspired by the traditions of the past, like we do. For this reason, our wines are perfect for different types of food, from the traditional one to the most innovative and original. Thanks to our complete and versatile production, we are proud to be in many different wine lists: star-rated restaurants, bistros, taverns, trattorie, nightclubs, bars, wine bars, etc.
We treat well our partners, guaranteeing them a punctual and accurate service. We always pay attention to the needs of our customers and try to solve any issue as soon as possible. In addition, we offer the possibility to promote our customers' activities on our social media: we like to share with our community the places where you can buy and/or taste our wines and great food. In this way, we help to get to know your business and increase your visibility.